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Poignant Irrelevance

Sunday, May 11, 2008

bike ride

i pumped up the tires and took the bike out for the first spin of the season. i brought the camera (of course), and also stopped off at a former colleague's place to chat since i ended up so close to his house. by the time i left it was dark so i got a little lost on the way back to my place (have i mentioned my horrible sense of direction?). i called my gf and unfortunately she was able to ascertain that i was lost, in the dark, and with no bike helmet (couldn't find it). oops.

here are the pictures. i have been to both restaurants in the first pic but not the other places. i couldn't get the c0nventi0n grill pic to come out but then i decided i liked its blurry look anyway.

i took this video solely for your entertainment! if you listen closely you can hear my big knobby tires as i pump my way from the first light to the second :)


  • I really like that first photo of the Edina Grill. You should print that and frame it.

    By Blogger M@rla, at 11:18 AM  

  • Less work, more blog posts. That is all!

    By Blogger Shawn, at 10:55 AM  

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