Poignant Irrelevance

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

travel pimple

did i ever mention that i typically get a very decent sized pimple on my face right before i go on business trips??
yeah, it's great. usually they aren't too crazy and sometimes they even go away before i actually leave for the trip. kind of a litte stress pimple if you will. i am a very easy going person, totally chill, but the "travel pimple" is a dead giveaway in terms of my actual stress level.

well you can only imagine what it was like trying to iron out wrinkles within short periods of time, as i attempted to negotiate for my first ever house!

i currently have a pimple. plus i am still recovering from the first spring-time cold i can ever remember catching.

but i think it should all abate, as i have ironed out the wrinkles that were discovered during the inspection. woohoo!! i am actually going to be purchasing a house!! yeah!!!

i am excited. its too difficult to describe the more complicated "wrinkle" but we have agreed on terms, and its not something i am worried about (anymore).

i will post some pictures of the house from the listing agent soon (and more details to follow).

as it stands, i am currently sitting on 92 miles for the month of march. with 4 more days (including today) in the month, i should cross the mystical 100 barrier for the first time since september of last year. i can do a lot more (and i will), but nonetheless this is an important barrier for me to scale in the meantime.

100 might not be hardcore but it does take a certain amount of consistency, of which i have been lacking.

first, lets look at my average pace on a monthly basis since last june (courtsey of nike's online training log that i use):

ok, not bad, seems to be trending in the right directino over time.

now lets include the monthly mileage along side the pace, which makes the graph more useful:

the first thing that sticks out to me is that during the first few months in which i was following a marathon training program--
june: 62 miles
july: 53 miles
august: 78 miles

WHAT??? what was i thinking? in june i was recovering from knee pain. in august i took a week off when i was on vacation. seriously, how did i even finish the marathon in october with such pathetic mileage leading up to the race?

the second trend i notice is that i ran 110 miles in sept '06 at about 9:30, and in march i will run 100+ at about 9:00.

i can't make up for some of my mediocre/crappy months during this recent winter, but i can crank it up a heck of a lot more. i will crush the last year version of me. just need to stay healthy and keep having fun out there.


  • HI!! I just wanted to say congratulations on your pending home ownership!!! So fabulous!

    By Blogger Audrey, at 8:44 PM  

  • First, of course, congratulations!!! And then, it's also so cool that you've kept those records; in the day-to-day struggles of keeping a running and/or training program in gear, and it can feel like you're not making any progress. That's real progress and it's all documented! Very nice.

    By Blogger Mia Goddess, at 8:47 PM  

  • maybe the travel pimple is your body preparing for the trip. i mean, what happens if the plane looses it's lights and they need someone to guide it through the fog and snow, ala rudolph?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:17 PM  

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