well well, here we are folks. getting closer!! woohoo!
first, the ear thing: i went to some urgent care place that was close to my hotel in TN and they said i have an ear infection. huh? weird. whatever. there is a story behind why my ears got messed up a couple weeks ago but i'll save it for another time. meanwhile i think i blew out the other ear on the return flight due to the pressure changes (youch!!). i have been taking some antibiotics. its all good--because i blew out the left ear i feel more balanced because they are both a little screwed up now. the antibiotics are helping though (i think).
now, the expo:
today i went to the race expo to pick up my number and browse around. i kind of figured it wouldn't be a big deal. get race packet, walk the floor, pick up some goods, go home.
but wow it was so dang exciting!! woo!!! we all trained and worked hard and now we are all gathered in one spot getting our numbers! and buying stuff. we are all so close to completing a dream for the first time, or doing it again for the 2nd time (or 3rd, 4th etc).
either way, there was energy in the room and smiles on our faces. we are ready to rip!
i will tell you a secret, i have had a stupid grin on my face this week! this is what life is made of i tell ya. the triumphs, the struggles, the training, the dreams and making plans to tackle them.
thanks for all of your advice, support, and good wishes during this adventure!
i bought a TCM hoodie, a t-shirt, a hat, a poster, a coffee mug, and some more clif shot bloks (i ate mine earlier because i got hungry one day--hehe). it was awesome! i almost needed a cart. ha ha. i also met jeff galloway of runner's world fame at the expo. nice guy.
finally, would you believe the forecast for minneapolis on October 2nd is for a low of 65 degrees and high of 79?? thats a little surprising (i was hoping for 50's, maybe 60's).
catch you on the other side dudes!
first, the ear thing: i went to some urgent care place that was close to my hotel in TN and they said i have an ear infection. huh? weird. whatever. there is a story behind why my ears got messed up a couple weeks ago but i'll save it for another time. meanwhile i think i blew out the other ear on the return flight due to the pressure changes (youch!!). i have been taking some antibiotics. its all good--because i blew out the left ear i feel more balanced because they are both a little screwed up now. the antibiotics are helping though (i think).
now, the expo:
today i went to the race expo to pick up my number and browse around. i kind of figured it wouldn't be a big deal. get race packet, walk the floor, pick up some goods, go home.
but wow it was so dang exciting!! woo!!! we all trained and worked hard and now we are all gathered in one spot getting our numbers! and buying stuff. we are all so close to completing a dream for the first time, or doing it again for the 2nd time (or 3rd, 4th etc).
either way, there was energy in the room and smiles on our faces. we are ready to rip!
i will tell you a secret, i have had a stupid grin on my face this week! this is what life is made of i tell ya. the triumphs, the struggles, the training, the dreams and making plans to tackle them.
thanks for all of your advice, support, and good wishes during this adventure!
i bought a TCM hoodie, a t-shirt, a hat, a poster, a coffee mug, and some more clif shot bloks (i ate mine earlier because i got hungry one day--hehe). it was awesome! i almost needed a cart. ha ha. i also met jeff galloway of runner's world fame at the expo. nice guy.
finally, would you believe the forecast for minneapolis on October 2nd is for a low of 65 degrees and high of 79?? thats a little surprising (i was hoping for 50's, maybe 60's).
catch you on the other side dudes!
ear thing? I have ear problems too. I found out that when I popped my ears (or blew them out like you say) I was opening up the eustachian tubes, and allowing snot to get inside. That's why I was getting ear infections all the time. I had to have my ear drums sliced open twice so they could drain the snot out.
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
Good luck! We'll be rooting hard and loud for you!!
Sarah, at 3:39 PM
GO BRENT!! I am co excited for you!!! I know you will do awesome and I can't wait to hear all about it. All the RBF will be thinking of you!!
Run strong and enjoy the scenery!!
Tiggs, at 4:27 PM
Ear stuff? Yikes. As an adult, that can be incredibly painful ... use a warm compress if it acts up at night. And drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest.
God, I sound like a nagging mom. Delete that stuff.
What I really want to say is:
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! These are the moments you've been waiting for ... and we wanna hear every detail!!
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
WOO HOO!!!! I'll be thinking for you and cheering you on in spirit!! Can't wait to read all about it! :)
lainb, at 6:01 PM
go get 'em Brent!! Have a great race - picture us all on the sidewalks, cheering you on, cause we're totally there!!
Lara, at 7:21 PM
GOOD LUCK! You're going to do great! It sounds like you've traveled a couple hundred miles this past month... what's 26.2 more?!?! =) Can't wait to hear your full rundown!
brent d., at 8:40 PM
Hey *Brent. I wish I had an incredibly inspiring quote to share, but the only thing I can think to say is Good Luck! I know you will have a great race because you have trained hard and you are extremely determined. I’ll be thinking about you on Sunday. Enjoy the experience to its fullest!!
April Anne, at 9:16 PM
Finally! I've been coming here to get in a "go get 'em" post for-evah today. Dumb blogger!
Anyway, I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to hear all about it. What you've done these past fewmonths has been completely amazing...I remember when you were first trying to decide if you should train for a marathon!
Have a great time, always.
Mia Goddess, at 11:09 PM
Good luck! We'll be cheering you on the entire way! Don't forget to have fun and SMILE when you cross the finish!!
Jack, at 5:51 AM
Good luck tomorrow, Brent! I hope to get up somewhere around miles 7-10, so maybe I'll even be able to root for you in person. Anyway, you're done some great training and I'm really excited for you.
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
Go Brent! Have a great marathon.
Jank, at 12:50 PM
Sending great running vibes your way - you will do well no matter what. Your first marathon - no matter your time/splits, etc you should be DANG proud of yourself because not many people can say they can run a marathon.
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
brent, best wishes for the race weekend. take some time to just sit back, relax and take a look at where you've come from and where you are now!
fuel up, hydrate well and relax today. you've earned it! don't sweat it if you don't get a good night sleep tonight, either. it won't affect the race.
visualize yourself coming across that finish line, with a grin, ear to ear!
Unknown, at 2:59 PM
Good luck and have fun out there!
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
Hi there!
I'll be running TCM tomorrow too; I can't believe the wonderful and warm running conditions. I love it!
Good luck and see you there among the masses!
Julie B, at 7:36 PM
8 hours to go--how exciting!! Good Luck!! I can't wait for the race report.
April Anne, at 11:18 PM
I'm so excited for ya! I've really enjoyed reading this blog and I can't believe "the event" is here.
Have fun out there!
Danny, at 12:10 AM
Yay Brent! Yay Brent! Please write all about it as soon as possible. I put up a picture of cheerleaders for you!
M@rla, at 8:26 AM
Good luck, Brent! I'll be cheering you on from out here in Karmatown
Anonymous, at 10:00 AM
Good luck Brent! can't wait to hear all about it.
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
taps foot...waiting for an update....
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
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