29 (basically 30!) and i still get me a pimple or two during a stressful week. ha! thats not going to go well with the weekend plans! bah. -----------------gotta travel again. be back soon. thanks for the 30 comments, they all helped, they were all cool. go 30!
did a quick shoulders routine tonight, about 9 sets. last night i fell asleep with my contacts in at 8pm and woke up at 11.30pm. wrote a couple quick emails and then went to bed. earlier this week i was looking for a spreadsheet with my old lifting schedule that tells me which day to do which body part...it took a lot of tweaking to finally get the schedule to be just right. anyway, i found a spreadsheet from 2003 and it had my measurements on it so i took them again last night. my waist and butt are basically the same but i'm 12-13 pounds heavier. now i'm probably stronger but i just highly doubt that it is all muscle. hmmm. it has me confused. maybe my newfound confidence weighs a couple pounds? ha ha.
good night, i better get to bed.
did a quick shoulders routine tonight, about 9 sets. last night i fell asleep with my contacts in at 8pm and woke up at 11.30pm. wrote a couple quick emails and then went to bed. earlier this week i was looking for a spreadsheet with my old lifting schedule that tells me which day to do which body part...it took a lot of tweaking to finally get the schedule to be just right. anyway, i found a spreadsheet from 2003 and it had my measurements on it so i took them again last night. my waist and butt are basically the same but i'm 12-13 pounds heavier. now i'm probably stronger but i just highly doubt that it is all muscle. hmmm. it has me confused. maybe my newfound confidence weighs a couple pounds? ha ha.
good night, i better get to bed.
Hah! I'm 44 and still get pimples!
I'm sure the weight is muscle - you can probably tell just from looking in the mirror.
Baby, you're young at 30! I know it doesn't seem like it from where you are now, you'll just have to take my word for it :) It is NOT all downhill from here, although people will tease you about it. Remember, 30 is the new 20!
M@rla, at 6:47 AM
30 is (ok was) great! Don't worry about leaving your 20s. Look at it this way, being in your 30s makes it easier for you to qualify for the Boston Marathon!
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM
Teehehehheee, I'm 50 and still get "zits", also still have freckles. Wait now they call them age spots...lol.
Dawn - Pink Chick Tris, at 2:04 PM
At risk of making ya blush, I'll echo Susie. Pimple? What pimple??
Anonymous, at 11:54 PM
You have dreamy eyebrows.
And actually, 30s are the best times for athletes. Really! It's because you are still young enough to be strong and fast, but you also get to improve from all your inexperience in the 20s. Just ask Lance Armstrong!
Mia Goddess, at 10:23 AM
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