nature of the beast
thanks for the cold weather running tips. i will thank everybody individually some time this week. for now, thank you everbody. it was pretty interesting; seems like each person has their unique take on the subject which was cool (pun?). i'll be honest, i'm almost more confused now than i was before i asked the question. ha ha. it will take some more studying of your answers before i head out the door to make a purchase or two, but i'm looking forward to my new venture into the land of freezing-cold-running-outside fun. i noticed not one person mentioned the wind pants idea! note to self, cold weather runners do not wear wind pants! that would have been a rookie move. on the other hand, you will never see me running in any kind of "tights", ever. hehe :) maybe i will wear the tights and then the wind pants over them, a compromise if you will. heh. we'll see. i'll let you know what i decide to buy.
i do look at my medal and study it closely most days (if not every day). i day dream about the run. i grin my big cheesy grin several times a week and i am happy.
and i have tried so hard to keep it down but briefly, ever so briefly, i have fleeting moments of remembering my final collapse during the last hour+. i think that is the nature of the beast. you run you dream about a 3-something. you run a wonder what it might take to run a 4-something. heck, you run a 4:57 and you wonder what it would be like to run a 4:56!
and you collapse into a dreary sweat-filled hour of walk/run torture during the 3 hours 30 minutes mark onward to the 4:57 mark only to re-live it for weeks aftewards. what did i do? did i not push myself enough? could i have gone faster? did i quit too early? was i slacker in my training program? did i skip too many cross training sessions? again, the nature of the beast. this bastard marathon beast that has me silently planning and imagining my next training strategy months from now. you bastard marathon you. i'm coming for you again, you better be ready for me.
my big plan "this winter" was to cut weight. thats not specific enough! it was a good idea while it lasted. too broad. too general. too easy to cheat, too easy to start anew "tomorrow". not that i have been in some momentus collapse (you know, like last part of my marathon), but i have not been training or eating like a person who's main goal is to cut weight.
today i found a half-marathon that takes place in february with about 1,000 runners. i will probably do that. i have printed off some half schedules and looked them over a bit. i need something to keep me very focused. it is also difficult for me during certain times of the year because work gets nuts and then i get think about how i can't keep up with anything during that time. now is one of those times. it gets me down a bit, but it also re-ignites my fire and my focus. keep the eye on the prize man, eye on the prize. keep thinking of your goals. do what you need to do every day. live with failures, live for success. every day provides so many opportunities for succes, crossing new bridges, facing new challenges head on.
ps. the disaster was more of a disaster because i think she is in love with me and wants to get married. hehe! can't get enough of the b-man! ha ha ha. seriously though she's on me like glue and its freaks me out too much. girls that are totally chill and mysterious, that drives me crazy (as in i think about them and want to call them). i know you guys like the gossip so chew on that! :)
i do look at my medal and study it closely most days (if not every day). i day dream about the run. i grin my big cheesy grin several times a week and i am happy.
and i have tried so hard to keep it down but briefly, ever so briefly, i have fleeting moments of remembering my final collapse during the last hour+. i think that is the nature of the beast. you run you dream about a 3-something. you run a wonder what it might take to run a 4-something. heck, you run a 4:57 and you wonder what it would be like to run a 4:56!
and you collapse into a dreary sweat-filled hour of walk/run torture during the 3 hours 30 minutes mark onward to the 4:57 mark only to re-live it for weeks aftewards. what did i do? did i not push myself enough? could i have gone faster? did i quit too early? was i slacker in my training program? did i skip too many cross training sessions? again, the nature of the beast. this bastard marathon beast that has me silently planning and imagining my next training strategy months from now. you bastard marathon you. i'm coming for you again, you better be ready for me.
my big plan "this winter" was to cut weight. thats not specific enough! it was a good idea while it lasted. too broad. too general. too easy to cheat, too easy to start anew "tomorrow". not that i have been in some momentus collapse (you know, like last part of my marathon), but i have not been training or eating like a person who's main goal is to cut weight.
today i found a half-marathon that takes place in february with about 1,000 runners. i will probably do that. i have printed off some half schedules and looked them over a bit. i need something to keep me very focused. it is also difficult for me during certain times of the year because work gets nuts and then i get think about how i can't keep up with anything during that time. now is one of those times. it gets me down a bit, but it also re-ignites my fire and my focus. keep the eye on the prize man, eye on the prize. keep thinking of your goals. do what you need to do every day. live with failures, live for success. every day provides so many opportunities for succes, crossing new bridges, facing new challenges head on.
ps. the disaster was more of a disaster because i think she is in love with me and wants to get married. hehe! can't get enough of the b-man! ha ha ha. seriously though she's on me like glue and its freaks me out too much. girls that are totally chill and mysterious, that drives me crazy (as in i think about them and want to call them). i know you guys like the gossip so chew on that! :)
I can relate to this post on so many levels. A half ... awesome!!!! The focus is really it, isn't it??? I'm nothing without a goal ... I'm also looking at winter races.
Why do girls do that?!?!? Is there no manual??? A student of mine, in her mid-20's, was talking about a date last week, and said, "I know he's the one. I'm going to marry him." No dear, you're not. Because by now, he's ran to the coast and changed his name. Yeesh.
Anonymous, at 11:55 PM
Yep; I wanted to know why the second half was so much more brutal than the first. Bleh.
Jank, at 8:56 AM
You are funny! Yes, there were tons of "hot chicks" at the breast cancer run this weekend... and lots of men dressed in the color pink.
The knee is on the mend... finally!
ida, at 11:46 AM
that is a great goal :)
I still ask myself 6 months later why I didn't do better on my Marathon! I was lucky to finish at all, but I still sit here and go "You know it really should have been a 4:30 marathon!"
You sound just like a typical guy with regards to the date :)
Tiggs, at 11:55 AM
Well, I for one vote for the tights. And for a picture of you in the tights. Yeppers.
I've totally missed something, haven't I? A few weeks ago you were juggling two chicks, and now you've so enslaved one that she's bringing up marriage? Now, as a girl I will tell you that if this hot chick of yours is of a certain age and inclination, she might be wanting to state her intentions up front so as not to "waste time" with a guy that has no interest in marriage because the tick tock of her biological clock may be freaking her out, but a girl's gotta play that one very carefully, because you can also scare a guy away with that intensity of purpose. Dating should be fun!
Dude, go with the tights, I'm telling ya.
Megan, at 12:07 PM
Go for the tights man!!! I love running behind guys in *grin* tights. I saw a guy at lunch yesterday in tights. Really nice butt and I overheard two others say, "Come on, I know you wanna look at his butt"...tehehehehheeee
On the other topic - Nothing makes a man run quicker than the "M" word (and that doesn't stand for Marathon). LOL!
Dawn - Pink Chick Tris, at 2:19 PM
Real men don't wear tights! =) Unless they're really, really fast and then who's going to make fun of them??? You should definately go for the half! After the full it'll feel like a taper run, and you'll still stay really well trained if you find a full you want to do in the spring!
Rae, at 9:55 PM
I completely identify with all your running comments here. Great post =)
Beanie, at 11:26 PM
Check out Hind Munich tights. They aren't tight (except down at the calves). You'll be shocked at the cost, but they hold up.
Scooter, at 9:02 AM
Dude, you're such the Casanova - wear the tights! :-)
Denise, at 1:51 PM
I'm going to have to second Dawn's comment about running behind men in tights. That and windpants make that noise, and no one likes that. Tights are smooth, and make you feel like your legs are one big muscle. heh. i mean two.
HouseRunner, at 3:37 PM
I think that the people who buy tights are "self-selected" into a group of people who actually look ok in them. The rest of us have to look elsewhere...
Danny, at 9:38 AM
Brent, don't rule out 2:XX either.
One thing I forgot in my comment on winter running gear on your other post is briefs with a wind-breaking layer over your "unit". Either that or stick a sock down there when it gets cold.
I'm serious, there's is NOTHING worse than freezing your "Johnson". Note: It's the thawing-out that is the most painful.
Chad, at 8:35 AM
Dang it, I keep forgetting stuff. That half marathon in February is one of my favorite events. Two years ago it was -10 and they shortened it to a quarter marathon. Last year it was 50 and incredible.
It's out-and-back along Sheppard Rd. Gradual uphill on the way out that you don't really feel. So the 2nd half is mostly downhill. I always use the race as an indicator for how my winter conditioning is going.
Chad, at 8:40 AM
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