Poignant Irrelevance

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i found a way to graph the temp. readings along side the splits. neat. is it normal to study the polar readout of your 20-miler for almost two days? heh.

i didn't wear the actual HR monitor strap though so i have no HR to study (boo). i still don't know how this watch takes the outside temp readings but thats kind of a cool feature; the more data the better!

i figured out why the temp zigs up and then down during the middle miles...i ran around one specific lake 3 times and on one side it was really hot (w/less shade) and the other side was breezy and cool w/shade. funny. seriously, i have studied every minute detail of my run.

the other occurence i have been trying to study--everything i did leading up to the run that helped me to finish essentially pain-free. sometimes during the week i will run around my neighborhood for 2.5 miles and when i finish, my legs/shins/calves hurt and/or they are tight. i must have done something different this time. but what? i will keep thinking about it. i actually snuck out on sunday (the Day After) for another 3 miles to stretch the legs, trying to find a pain threshold. i went on the sidewalk, i went on the pavement, still nothing.

it couldn't have been the pound of licorice and the box mike and ikes, could it have been? if i can't think of anything else i'm totally stocking up.


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