blue: speed in mph. green: altitude. you can see the up and down blue lines around mile 18 (that is me walking, then running, then walking, then running, then walking, then...). it may have been a better idea to walk for 2 minutes and then run for a 2 minutes, etc. but at the time i kept thinking, THIS will be the time i keep running without stopping. the fact that i kept thinking this for 2 hours straight is a testament to the fact that i was a little out of it. but i wasn't giving up on the idea that i could regain my stride.
i forgot to turn it off right after i crossed the finish so the blue lines down below 2 mph at the end are me stumbling from station to station after finishing.
i have a couple more thoughts on the day, and some other thoughts about whats next; i'll save those up for later. g'night. thanks for your nice comments and cheering me on. awesome.
btw i found an injury to report. turns out my left ankle is a little swollen. sort of like a minor sprain. gives me a bit of a limp. i'm sure it'll clear up soon though, i've had a sprained ankle before.

I have had a similar injury, the problem is it keeps coming back if I push it on hills too much. I am fine to run on it but after my runs it can get pretty stiff. Ice seems to help. It is more of a pain in the a$$ than anything else.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
Good Lord, I couldn't even tell what that was a photo OF. That is one seriously swollen ankle.
So it was your first marathon; next time you'll know better when to do what. And the time after that, even more so. I do think it's kind of evil that the hills came near the end!
You are so cool for doing this, you have no idea how much I admire you!
M@rla, at 3:36 PM
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