xrays reveal: no stress fracture
a lot of poking and prodding ensued in the beginning of the appointment which was somewhat painful. even if you don't have shin splints i assume that a dude jamming his thumb into your shins might hurt a little. i started to wonder if i really did have a fracture when all of the jabbing and squeezing caused me to shriek like a little girl. just kidding, i took it like a man! ("oww!! uhh i mean, yeah that hurts a little")
the results were a relief. i told him i was training for the m...then he proceeded to tell me to cut mileage by 1/2 for 4 weeks and then start back slowly after that. huh? but how can i do that doc?
hmmmm. he also told me to take anti-inflammatory stuff. aleve 2x a day or ibuprofen 3x a day. i don't even like taking aspirin when i have a headache. i don't think i'm going to take all of that crap. maybe a couple aspirin a week?
i don't want to cut mileage either. i think i'll keep training with the schedule and try to keep off the pavement. hmmm. or i could do what he said. hmmmm.
the results were a relief. i told him i was training for the m...then he proceeded to tell me to cut mileage by 1/2 for 4 weeks and then start back slowly after that. huh? but how can i do that doc?
hmmmm. he also told me to take anti-inflammatory stuff. aleve 2x a day or ibuprofen 3x a day. i don't even like taking aspirin when i have a headache. i don't think i'm going to take all of that crap. maybe a couple aspirin a week?
i don't want to cut mileage either. i think i'll keep training with the schedule and try to keep off the pavement. hmmm. or i could do what he said. hmmmm.
B, do what he says. I'm not kidding. I didn't listen and look what happened to me. 5:30 hour marathon that should have been a 4:30 and now knee deep in 4 of 8 full weeks of ZERO running. Cut back the mileage and take the pills at least for a week. You'll still be in good M shape even with the cut back. It will be better than not being able to run at all! Don't make me worry about you!!
Tiggs, at 5:10 PM
i know, i am so torn. :(
thanks for the thoughts. i don't know what to do. i like your ideas. if i cut back for 4 weeks and then start back slowly, won't that be like starting all over again? and at that point i'll only have 6 more weeks or so. :( :( :( oh i don't know what to do!
brent, at 5:20 PM
OK, I'm going to tell you that you need to listen to the expert (doctor) or you could risk hurting yourself PERMANENTLY. I know you've paid for the marathon and that you're way into the training, but your long-term health and fitness is just more important. Overtraining can lead to serious injury and that's no fun at all. The anti-inflammatories will help take the swelling down that's making things hurt when you run, so don't skip them. Maybe you could do more cross training to replace the running you can't do? Something like swimming or bike riding might be OK and would keep you using the rest of your body. Check with the doctor to see what he says about alternate activities.
Denise, at 7:00 PM
Not to beat a dead horse here-but if you keep running you might end up (like Cassie said) with an even worse injury and you might not be able to run the marathon ANYWAY. k, i know you must be depressed. it sucks. i like denise's suggestion of cross-training. it still sucks. but you will get better which is key. also, anti-inflammatories are soo key. i love 'em. a lot. they are my new boyfriend. ok, not really, but they do work and if i were you i would try to take them. (they might help you get better faster!!! isn't that good motivation??) and yes, you may have to delay the marathon...but that's OK and you are so young and you will have numerous marathons ahead of you i am sure (if you want to run that many!)
Anonymous, at 8:35 PM
diddo with the above advice. i had to stop running for a mont once due to knee pain (well, ok, it wasn't a complete month b/c I cheated a FEW times). it was torture (probably because i SHOULDN'T run made me want to run even more)...but in the end, it was worth it to be pain-free. hope your shins get better!
lainb, at 11:16 PM
What everyone else said!
M@rla, at 5:23 AM
You already heard it - so do it. I hope things heal soon but sometimes we just have to back off a bit.
Dawn - Pink Chick Tris, at 8:04 AM
I know someone with a back injury who completes a marathon every year with ONLY cross-training as preparation and she finishes with a great pace/time. It's possible!
Megan, at 8:13 AM
oh, you're such a girly man! c'mon! suck it up and run, already!
ooh...just joshing.
shins are a tough one to handle, b. on one hand, it can be as simple as you body neededing to get used to running on something other than the treadmill, and on the opposite of the spectrum, you've got the posibility of permenant damage.
i'd listen to the doc, but listen to your body more. docs are going to try to get you to be as cautious as possible, and if they're not runners, they just don't get it sometimes. back off, rest up, run softer surfaces, and play it based on what your body tells you.
drop the intensity of your workouts a bit, too. speed will come naturally, you don't need to force that.
good luck!
Unknown, at 3:43 PM
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