Poignant Irrelevance

Saturday, August 07, 2004

3.4 miles in 34:45. HR about 158 average. It says I burned 650 calories but that sounds much too high.

I ran on the 'mill tonight. I brought the HR and wore the foot pod too. It was surprisingly accurate (with the treamill readings). I mean how does that little foot pod know how fast I'm going? And how far? Weird man. I was really hot in there, why don't they have fans going. I wore a sweatshirt which was stupid. It was a lot more boring than running outside, not sure how I'm going to pull off any more than 5 miles on a mill. ESPN had on skateboarders practicing for the x-games, not really my idea of entertainment. Maybe I'll run outside tomorrow. or lift instead, i'd be happy with either.


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