city of the lakes 25k (legal!)
so as you may or may not recall, last year i ran a 'bandit' race; a 25k that filled but i decided to participate in anyway.
this year i signed up and ran legally; nice eh?
it was fun overall. the course gets kind of spread out so over the last half when things get a little tougher, it can be difficult to continue pushing the pace. a buddy and i ran together so that was good times.
last year i ran in 2:13:40 and i pretty much considered that to be a break-through performance as i had not covered that type of distance any where near that pace. this year we finished in: 2:07:30. this race is not chip timed and i think it took us around 30 seconds to get to the start, so i would not be surprised if the official results have us finishing in around 2:08.
last year i was pretty sore as well and this year my calves are not sore! i am feeling a bit tired / wiped out but my muscles are not too sore, which i attribute to my weightlifting / squats / lunges throughout the summer.
the main goal was to finish strong and run the second half faster than the first, and we accomplished that goal. i am feeling good about that. if i can stay healthy, get enough rest, and keep travel to a minimum, things are looking to be on track for a decent marathon in 27 DAYS.

this year i signed up and ran legally; nice eh?
it was fun overall. the course gets kind of spread out so over the last half when things get a little tougher, it can be difficult to continue pushing the pace. a buddy and i ran together so that was good times.
last year i ran in 2:13:40 and i pretty much considered that to be a break-through performance as i had not covered that type of distance any where near that pace. this year we finished in: 2:07:30. this race is not chip timed and i think it took us around 30 seconds to get to the start, so i would not be surprised if the official results have us finishing in around 2:08.
last year i was pretty sore as well and this year my calves are not sore! i am feeling a bit tired / wiped out but my muscles are not too sore, which i attribute to my weightlifting / squats / lunges throughout the summer.
the main goal was to finish strong and run the second half faster than the first, and we accomplished that goal. i am feeling good about that. if i can stay healthy, get enough rest, and keep travel to a minimum, things are looking to be on track for a decent marathon in 27 DAYS.

Smoked your record and a negative split ~ I'd say that's a good day! I'd trade both those to not have sore calves, so you're batting a thousand. You're going to rock the marathon!
Mia Goddess, at 5:10 PM
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
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