just a quicky update. if you made it this far i guess blooger is working again. my ankle is back to normal. my legs aren't sore anymore. i can walk down stairs without going backwards, yes! no more groaning while getting out of my chair at the office. i have no plans to run for the rest of this week. next week will be VERY light running. VERY light, if any. currently i don't feel that my body is ready for running (even though i'm not sore), but maybe next week i'll feel that i can take to the streets again. nothing wrong with being cautious at this stage of recovery right? i have to travel again at the end of the week--i'm worried about my ears during the flights but thats another story. i will be back to wish luck to this weekends racers! i can't wait to read about them.
I can relate to your aches and groans that you went through. It was not fun sitting at my desk at work. It was much better after my second marathon, a day or two of avoiding stairs but then the desire to run was almost immediate. I still waited a week though and even then started out relatively easy (for me).
Jack, at 12:46 AM
yep, take it easy for a while...your body is still in recovery mode. have you had your ears checked out??
lainb, at 8:08 AM
Way to go Brent, we did it! It wasn't pretty, but we finished. The more I hear about this race, the happier I am with that fact. I plan to go run just as soon as my quads no longer feel like one massive bruise.
tri-mama, at 8:13 AM
Congrats again, and good luck getting back on the roads! I'm sure you'll be back out after a well-earned recovery.
Jank, at 3:30 PM
Start taking decongestants about 36 hours before your flight and continue doing so for 24 hours after your flight. There's something about the drying effect that helps keep your ears from hurting as much when flying, or, at least, that's been my experience. :-)
Denise, at 5:36 PM
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in agony for days after a marathon. Some of my friends were up and 'running' 2 days later. But that's just not normal!!! ;o) Congrats again.
Beanie, at 5:45 PM
Hey! I bet you've already read it but the new edition of Runner's World has a whole thing on post-marathon windown and how to avoid 'post-marathon depression'. I love Runner's World!!
Rae, at 5:57 PM
xtThanks for the tip about the pace band. ~ I’m glad your recovery is going well! Do I dare ask what your next goal is? ~ What happened to your marathon pics.? They were great, you should use of them as your profile pic. :)
April Anne, at 8:06 PM
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