Poignant Irrelevance

Monday, August 15, 2005

what was that you said?

cassie has a post up about a funny one at overhead in nyc. go check it out. this also reminded me to check back at overhead in the office which i haven't visited in quite a while. sometimes they aren't so funny but tonight i laughed at almost all of them.

overhead in the office
i just did a high rep shoulders workout. i have been wanting to do this one for a while. completed about 12 sets total of 12-15 reps, hitting the 3 heads of the deltoid w/various exercises. normally i'm 6-8 or 10 reps guy but it feels good to pump up with high reps every so often (12-15). honestly i'm more sore when i do high rep sets of stuff.

next up, throughout the week: high rep inclined flyes and high rep biceps (including 21's, hammer curls, and normal curls). side note, my least favorite biceps exercise is the concentration curl. just don't like it. therefore i skip it all the time. won't have much time to do all of this concentrated lifting for many weeks after this one (maybe not even until after the M) so i'm ripping it out this week for one last really good pump.